i was missing my gym card to get into my gym so i knew that i would have to either fill something out or answer a question or something to prove that i had membership there. as i approach the counter i inform the guy behind the counter that i was missing my card. so he asked me for my name. after he pulled up my profile he asked me for my phone number. then he asked me for my date of birth. after i gave him my date of birth he said “i just had to ask that because i can’t believe it. you look amazing for your age” at first i just said thanks and quickly moved on to my workout. and i’ve heard people say this before and i usually figure it’s because i probably just did something immature for my age. such as playing with a mannequin head, taking a selfie with it, and then posting this selfie to social media.
but this time it sent my brain into a tizzy. all i could think about during my workout was…..why….why should the number of my age define me, or determine how i feel about myself and what value i have. i can not tell you how many times in my life i have allowed numbers to define me and tell me what my worth is. the number of my age, the number size on my clothing, the number size on my underwear, the number of sales i make a month, the number of dollars per sale, the number of times i go to the gym, the number of the weights i lift at the gym, the number of miles i run, the number on the scale, the number of presidents in my wallet, the number of times i hear i love you, and the list of numbers go on. you may be able to relate to some of these numbers or have an entirely different set of numbers that you have allowed to determine what you think about you and your value. i thank God that these numbers don’t all haunt me on the same day, otherwise i would be writing this post from a facility not my home. and unless they have mannequins at facilities, i wouldn’t have that cute selfie with my dear friend and the mannequin either.
i know life is a journey, and i may not have this lesson %100 taken care of, but my message today is: let’s let go of these numbers. our value to God is the only thing value system that matters. and He thinks we are incredibly valuable.